Cardiovascular System Drugs
Clear Vinyl Gloves
2019-01-16 16:06  Visit:240
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Product name: Clear Vinyl Gloves

● Hot sale vinyl gloves

● Excellent fit and comfort

● Specification: Pre-powdered & Powder free

● Fits either hand

● Multi-purpose protection for food handling, painting, bodycare and household.


Vinyl Gloves act as a 'second skin' and are made of a PVC material (vinyl) which does not cause a latex allergic reaction. Each glove fits either hand. These gloves contain powder and powder free, and have been specially treated for easy on - easy off.  With superior comfort, strength and stretch, it is specifically intended for those who are allergic to latex. Great quality gloves for extra protection.


1. Comfortable wearing: Wearing for a long time will not cause tight skin. It's good for circulation.

2. Safe: do not contain amino compounds and other harmful substances, rarely allergic.

3. Durable: strong tensile strength, puncture resistance, not easy to damage.

4. Good sealing: the most effective to prevent dust to send out.

5. Resistant: excellent chemical resistance, resistance to a certain ph.

6. Silicon free: with certain antistatic performance, suitable for the production needs of electronic industry.

7. Application: surface chemical residue, ion content, particle content, this Clear Vinyl Gloves are suitable for strict clean room environment.

Precautions for use

1. Clear Vinyl Gloves do not have high temperature resistance and insulation performance. It is not allowed to be used in high temperature working place, and it is absolutely not allowed to be used as insulating gloves.

2. Do not use the gloves once they are cut, which will affect the protective effect.

3. It should be ventilated and dry during storage to prevent damp and mildew.

4. When using it, do not touch corrosive substances.


TO: dishing



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